Offshore Wind

Our Philosophy

Warwick Group supports the role of renewable energy in quickly and drastically reducing America's reliance on fossil fuels. However, the implementation of renewable energy projects must be done in a clear, consistent, equitable, and environmentally friendly manner to minimize impacts to stakeholders.

As the United States edges closer to the construction of industrial-scale offshore wind farms along its coast, it is critical that unique local interests are accounted for in the implementation process. Like all energy projects, offshore wind has a variety of environmental, economic, and social impacts that should be carefully considered. Counties and local municipalities are valuable and important stakeholders and deserve recognition as key parties in the development of offshore wind projects.

Many of the impacts on local communities as a result of offshore wind farms are convoluted and esoteric. For this reason, we recommend hiring an experienced consultant who is knowledgeable about the federal proceedings with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, cooperating federal agencies, and the sale of offshore lease areas for wind energy.

Warwick Group Consultants is a leader nationwide in coastal-focused advocacy, representing clients across the nation to solve issues involving coastal lands and resources such as beaches, waterways, wetlands and more. We specialize in helping our clients navigate the complicated world of working with federal agencies, Congress, and the Executive Branch. Warwick Group has a track record of success in assisting local governments and businesses along the coast meet their goals by fostering meaningful relationships with decision makers and developing winning strategies for our clients.


Above is the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's (BOEM) plan to fill nearly the entire continental shelf with over 5,500 wind turbines. Source: BOEM

Above is a visual simulation of US Wind off the Coast of Ocean City, Maryland. Source: ESS for US Wind



Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts

Local municipalities, counties, and states, as well as state energy commissions, and various environmental interest groups have raised concerns over the breakneck speed that offshore wind is being advanced in the United States, posing significant threats to residents, local governments, businesses and visitors. Primary concerns are summarized below.


Marine Mammals 
Benthic (seafloor) Habitats
Migratory Birds and Bats
Disruption of the Mid-Atlantic "Cold Pool"
Plankton Production
Oil Spills


Historic Places
Scenic and Visual Impacts
Coastal Heritages
Recreational Fishing
Whale and Dolphin Watching


Impacts to Fisheries, Commercial Fishing and Related Industries
Increased Electricity Costs for Ratepayers
Impacts to Local Tourism
Reliability of Offshore Wind Power


For more information, please contact the Warwick Group.

Dan Ginolfi | Senior Public Policy Advisor
(202) 787-5770